
Argo Workflow Authentication using Cognito

Wednesday, Jul 21, 2021 by Prabhat Sharma argo, workflow, kubernetes

Argo workflow supports SSO using 3rd part identity providers. Amazon cognito is a very popular authentication provider that is almost free for most use cases that you can use for authenticating argo workflow. In order to setup conto authentication you will have to do the following: Create a cognito user pool Setup a kubernetes secret containg cognito details Configure argo workflow controller configmap. Here are the sample values for congito secret:

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Max Pods in EKS per EC2 Instance

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020 by Prabhat Sharma kubernetes, eks

Maximum pods in an EC2 instance in EKS is dependent on the ENIs the ec2 instance has and the number of secondary IP addresses each ENI can have. You can find the details of maximum ENIs per instance and IP addresses per ENI at - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/using-eni.html#AvailableIpPerENI As for the details of max pods per ec2 instance, it can be found at: https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-eks-ami/blob/master/files/eni-max-pods.txt

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CKA Practice Test 2

Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020 by Prabhat Sharma kubernetes, cka, certification, exam, practice test

2nd practice test for CKA exam preparation. First is at CKA exam practice test 1 Display all the pods sorted by start time Create a pod that uses secrets Create a secret Pull secrets from environment variables Pull secrets from a volume Dump the secrets out via kubectl to show it worked Create a job that runs every 3 minutes and prints out the current time. Create a job that runs 20 times, 5 containers at a time, and prints “Hello parallel world” Create a horizontal autoscaling group that starts with 2 pods and scales when CPU usage is over 50%.

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CKA Practice Test 1

Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020 by Prabhat Sharma kubernetes, cka, certification, exam, practice test

More than 2 years ago when I passed CKA, there were fewer resources available for me to study. I had to create a lot of resources myself during my cert preparation. During many of the certification exams that I have taken over a period I have realized that having a set of of test questions is incredibly helpful. I am posting the below practice exam questions that will be helpful to those aspiring to pass CKA.

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Live Debugging of microservices in Kubernetes

Wednesday, Apr 8, 2020 by Prabhat Sharma reinvent, AWS, k8s, kubernetes, microservices

I did this session at AWS reinvent 2019. Keeping it here for reference. I also did a screen recording of the practice session before reinvent, details of which can be found at - https://github.com/prabhatsharma/ecommerce-microservices/blob/master/live-debugging.md

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Understanding Zookeeper by Doing

Wednesday, Jan 29, 2020 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, zookeeper, kafka, distributed systems

Software ecosystem of distrubuted systems is vast and each of the pieces do a specific task. Many a times you will find many systems that provide similar functionality. Let’s take a look at the problem of distributed coordination today, and one of the most popular systems to help solve it is zookeeper. Part of the hadoop ecosystem, zookeeper is very popular. Let’s understand what it is and how it works.

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Build Docker images without Docker using Img and Jenkins on Kubernetes

Monday, Aug 12, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma kubernetes, CICD, Jenkins

Note: I will be using an Amazon EKS cluster on AWS and using Amazon ECR for storing images. There will be minor differences for handling other repositories. In the earlier post we learnt on how to to build a docker image using kubernete plugin in Jenkins on Kuberenetes. In this post we will look at how to build a docker image using Img. We will follow the same steps as the earlier post but will have a different pipeline script.

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Build Docker images without Docker - using Kaniko, Jenkins and Kubernetes

Thursday, Aug 8, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma kubernetes, containers, docker, kaniko, jenkins, CICD

Note: I will be using an Amazon EKS cluster on AWS and using Amazon ECR for storing images. There will be minor differences for handling other repositories. Jenkins is a hugely popular build tool that has been around for ages and used by many people. With huge shift to Kubernetes as a platform you would naturally want to run jenkins on Kubernetes. While running Jenkins in itself on Kubernetes is not a challenge, it is a challenge when you want to build a container image using jenkins that itself runs in a container in the Kubernetes cluster.

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Installing Jenkins on Kubernetes

Thursday, Aug 8, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma kubernetes, containers, docker, jenkins, CICD

In this post I will cover the steps to install Jenkins in a Kubernetes cluster. While Jenkins can be installed on standard VMs, if you are running a Kubernetes cluster then its much easier to install and run Jenkins in it. We will be using Helm to install Jenkins. We will follow the below steps to get up and running: Get the Jenkins values file for configuring our Jenkins installation Install Jenkins Access Jenkins Let’s rock ’n’ roll:

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Installing Elasticsearch on Kubernetes Using Operator and setting it for Kubernetes logging

Wednesday, Aug 7, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma kubernetes, logging, elasticsearch, fluentd, fluent-bit, kibana, helm

In an earlier blog post I provided the steps to install elastisearch using helm and setting it up for logging using fluent-bit. With the introduction of elasticsearch operator the experience of managing the elasticsearch cluster in kubernetes has improved greatly. We will cover the same goal of setting up elastisearch and configuring it for logging as the earlier blog, with the same ease but much better experience. Using operator allows you benefits in the area of security, upgrades and scalability.

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Using encrypted EBS Volumes with Kubernetes on AWS

Sunday, Aug 4, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, eks, aws, amazon

Lot of people run Kubernetes on AWS and need to use encrypted EBS volumes for security and compliace. I will lay down the steps below in order to use it. Create a storage class Create a PersistentVolume (or dynamically provisoned PersistentVolumeClaim) using the storage class Create a pod to use the PersistentVolumeClaim 1. Create a storage class You must create a storage class that can be used for creating a PV/PVC.

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Installing Airflow on Kubernetes Using Operator

Sunday, Jul 28, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, containers, docker, airflow, helm, data engineering

Well created Kubernetes Operators pack a lot of power and help run and manage stateful applications on kubernetes. We had earlier seen how to install airflow on kubernetes using helm charts. While helm charts help you get started fast, they may not be suitable for day 2 operatios like: Upgrades Backup & restore Auto recovery Automatic/On-demand scalability Configuration management Deep insights Let’s find how to install airflow on kubernetes using airflow operator.

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RED Monitoring With Istio and Prometheus

Sunday, Jul 21, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, monitoring, Prometheus, Istio

In this blog post we will discuss RED method that I really like in terms of simplicity by which it explains the state of an application. We will also discuss how to cpature RED metrics for your application running in kubernetes. Primarily we need to capture 3 things (Request) Rate - the number of requests, per second, you services are serving. (Request) Errors - the number of failed requests per second.

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Kubernetes Slides

Sunday, Jul 14, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, stateful

Created some slides for running stateful applications on kubernetes. Why containers Basics of Kubernetes- Pod, Replicaset, Deployment, Service Stateful Sets Storage High availability Best Practices

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Installing Airflow on Kubernetes

Friday, Feb 1, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, containers, docker, airflow, helm, data engineering

Data engineering is a difficult job and tools like airflow make that streamlined. Let’s take a look at how to get up and running with airflow on kubernetes. Prerequisites A kubernetes cluster - You can spin up on AWS, GCP, Azure or digitalocean or you can start one on your local machine using minikube Helm - If you do not already have helm installed then follow this tutorial to get it installed Installing airflow using helm 1.

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eksuser - Amazon EKS user management tool

Tuesday, Dec 4, 2018 by Prabhat Sharma eks, kubernetes, aws, authentication, iam, eksuser

Amazon EKS user management You have setup the EKS cluster and are able to use it. Now you want your teammates to access to the cluster too, so that they can build and run the applications. User management for EKS is done via the aws-auth configmap in kube-system namespace. You can learn how to add users manually by modifying the aws-auth configmap using the official documentation which shows how to add users to EKS by editing the aws-auth configmap.

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Logging in Kubernetes using Elasticsearch: The easy way

Monday, Nov 26, 2018 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, logging, elasticsearch, fluentd, fluent-bit

In my conversations with various development teams I regularly come across this common question of how to do logging on kubernetes. While there are existing solutions like EFK (elasticsearch, fluentd, kibana) stack, it takes good amount of effort for setting these up and making them work. I was wondering if I can provide some easy steps to people who just want to get started with logging in not so cumbersome and tedious way.

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Amazon EKS IAM authentication: How to add an IAM user

Friday, Oct 26, 2018 by Prabhat Sharma eks, kubernetes, aws, authentication, iam

Note: This blog provides a deep dive on EKS authentication. If your goal is to be able to just add/delete eks users then follow this eksuser-amazon-eks-user-management-tool When you create an EKS cluster it uses credentials of the user creating the cluster to set things up and assigns the user cluster-admin rights on the cluster through kubernetes RBAC. EKS uses IAM for authentication. It uses aws-iam-authenticator for authentication using webhook token authentication of kubernetes.

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Reserving Compute Resources for System Daemons in Kubernetes using node-allocatable

Friday, Oct 19, 2018 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, cgroup, node-allocatable, qos

I was discussing resource management on k8s worker nodes with someone and they mentioned that they had faced a situation earlier where scheduler will schedule a lot of pods on the worker node which would consume all of the node’s CPU and memory leaving other system processes starved of resources, that ultimately leads the node to crash. Kubernetes provides a feature to solve this problem called Node Allocatable that allows you to reserve resources for system daemons so that they are not starved of resources and continue to function well.

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How to connect to Kubernetes cluster resources(services, pods) using OpenVPN for local development

Friday, Oct 19, 2018 by Prabhat Sharma kubernetes, helm, openvpn, local development, development workflow, developer productivity

I wanted to do development locally on my laptop and I had some services that were running in my kubernetes cluster. I was trying to figure out the easiest way to access those resources without exposing them via a loadbalancer or nodeport for the specific service. This is when I thought if I could vpn into the cluster then it would allow me to access cluster resources from my laptop.

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Helm tutorial - The package manager for kubernetes - Part 1

Saturday, Oct 13, 2018 by Prabhat Sharma kubernetes, helm, package manager

I have been asked by various people on what is the best way to install and manage applications on kubernetes. In fact a lot of people want to install various readily available solutions like mysql, mariadb, mongodb, nginx etc. For stateless applications its generally straightforward and nobody is bothered much, however when it comes to stateful applications one starts to think how they will manage to install it. Does one have to go through the rigmarole of installing the application just like installing it on instances?

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How I passed Certified Kubernetes Administrator exam on first attempt

Wednesday, Oct 3, 2018 by Prabhat Sharma kubernetes, cka, certification, exam

Update on Aug 18th 2020 - Added practice tests link at the end I have been working for past couple of months on kubernetes and advising people on how to implement best practices using kubernetes for building applications. I wanted to test my knowledge and figured I should take the CKA exam to validate my knowledge of things. I began preparing about one and a half months ago for the certification and found its preparation to be as hard as AWS SA Pro exam which is considered to be one of the difficult certifications.

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