Live Debugging of microservices in Kubernetes

Wednesday, Apr 8, 2020 by Prabhat Sharma reinvent, AWS, k8s, kubernetes, microservices

I did this session at AWS reinvent 2019. Keeping it here for reference. I also did a screen recording of the practice session before reinvent, details of which can be found at -

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Understanding Zookeeper by Doing

Wednesday, Jan 29, 2020 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, zookeeper, kafka, distributed systems

Software ecosystem of distrubuted systems is vast and each of the pieces do a specific task. Many a times you will find many systems that provide similar functionality. Let’s take a look at the problem of distributed coordination today, and one of the most popular systems to help solve it is zookeeper. Part of the hadoop ecosystem, zookeeper is very popular. Let’s understand what it is and how it works.

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Using encrypted EBS Volumes with Kubernetes on AWS

Sunday, Aug 4, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, eks, aws, amazon

Lot of people run Kubernetes on AWS and need to use encrypted EBS volumes for security and compliace. I will lay down the steps below in order to use it. Create a storage class Create a PersistentVolume (or dynamically provisoned PersistentVolumeClaim) using the storage class Create a pod to use the PersistentVolumeClaim 1. Create a storage class You must create a storage class that can be used for creating a PV/PVC.

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Installing Airflow on Kubernetes Using Operator

Sunday, Jul 28, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, containers, docker, airflow, helm, data engineering

Well created Kubernetes Operators pack a lot of power and help run and manage stateful applications on kubernetes. We had earlier seen how to install airflow on kubernetes using helm charts. While helm charts help you get started fast, they may not be suitable for day 2 operatios like: Upgrades Backup & restore Auto recovery Automatic/On-demand scalability Configuration management Deep insights Let’s find how to install airflow on kubernetes using airflow operator.

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RED Monitoring With Istio and Prometheus

Sunday, Jul 21, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, monitoring, Prometheus, Istio

In this blog post we will discuss RED method that I really like in terms of simplicity by which it explains the state of an application. We will also discuss how to cpature RED metrics for your application running in kubernetes. Primarily we need to capture 3 things (Request) Rate - the number of requests, per second, you services are serving. (Request) Errors - the number of failed requests per second.

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Kubernetes Slides

Sunday, Jul 14, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, stateful

Created some slides for running stateful applications on kubernetes. Why containers Basics of Kubernetes- Pod, Replicaset, Deployment, Service Stateful Sets Storage High availability Best Practices

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Installing Airflow on Kubernetes

Friday, Feb 1, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, containers, docker, airflow, helm, data engineering

Data engineering is a difficult job and tools like airflow make that streamlined. Let’s take a look at how to get up and running with airflow on kubernetes. Prerequisites A kubernetes cluster - You can spin up on AWS, GCP, Azure or digitalocean or you can start one on your local machine using minikube Helm - If you do not already have helm installed then follow this tutorial to get it installed Installing airflow using helm 1.

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Logging in Kubernetes using Elasticsearch: The easy way

Monday, Nov 26, 2018 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, logging, elasticsearch, fluentd, fluent-bit

In my conversations with various development teams I regularly come across this common question of how to do logging on kubernetes. While there are existing solutions like EFK (elasticsearch, fluentd, kibana) stack, it takes good amount of effort for setting these up and making them work. I was wondering if I can provide some easy steps to people who just want to get started with logging in not so cumbersome and tedious way.

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Reserving Compute Resources for System Daemons in Kubernetes using node-allocatable

Friday, Oct 19, 2018 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, cgroup, node-allocatable, qos

I was discussing resource management on k8s worker nodes with someone and they mentioned that they had faced a situation earlier where scheduler will schedule a lot of pods on the worker node which would consume all of the node’s CPU and memory leaving other system processes starved of resources, that ultimately leads the node to crash. Kubernetes provides a feature to solve this problem called Node Allocatable that allows you to reserve resources for system daemons so that they are not starved of resources and continue to function well.

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