
Installing Airflow on Kubernetes Using Operator

Sunday, Jul 28, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, containers, docker, airflow, helm, data engineering

Well created Kubernetes Operators pack a lot of power and help run and manage stateful applications on kubernetes. We had earlier seen how to install airflow on kubernetes using helm charts. While helm charts help you get started fast, they may not be suitable for day 2 operatios like: Upgrades Backup & restore Auto recovery Automatic/On-demand scalability Configuration management Deep insights Let’s find how to install airflow on kubernetes using airflow operator.

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Installing Airflow on Kubernetes

Friday, Feb 1, 2019 by Prabhat Sharma k8s, kubernetes, containers, docker, airflow, helm, data engineering

Data engineering is a difficult job and tools like airflow make that streamlined. Let’s take a look at how to get up and running with airflow on kubernetes. Prerequisites A kubernetes cluster - You can spin up on AWS, GCP, Azure or digitalocean or you can start one on your local machine using minikube Helm - If you do not already have helm installed then follow this tutorial to get it installed Installing airflow using helm 1.

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